Knox Presbyterian Church


Electropneumatic - Électro-pneumatique
Casvant Frères 1932/65,
rebuilt 1996 Halbert Gober,
Moveable console 2001 by Karl Raudsepp

Organist: Mervyn Games

Grand Orgue/Great
Gedacht 16
Principal 8
Bourdon 8
Block Flöte 4
Quinte 2 2/3
Super Octave 2
Mixture V 1 1/3
Trompette 8

Violin Diapaison 8
Hohl Flöte 8
Viola da Gamba 8
Voix Céleste 8
Spitz Principal 4
Rohr Flöte 4
Flautino 2
Fourniture IV 1
Bassoon 16
Trompette 8
Oboe 8

Gedacht 8
Koppel Flöte 4
Gemshorn 2
Sesquialtera II 2 2/3
Cromorne 8
Trompette 8 (Great)

Resultant 32
Subbourdon 32
Principal 16
Bourdon 16
Gedacht 8 (Choir)
Spitz Principal 8
Choral Bass 4
Trompette 8 (Great)
Clarion 4 (Great)
Bombarde 16 (Great)
Bassoon 16 (Swell)

Bourdon 8
Principal 4
Italian Principal 2
Mixture IV 1 1/3

Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Great 4 to Pedal
Swell 4 to Pedal
Choir 4 to pedal

Swell to Great
Choir to Great
Gallery to Great
Swell 16 to Great
Swell 4 to Great
Choir 16 to Great
Choir 4 to Great
Great 16
Great 4

Gallery on/ Great off

Gallery to Swell
Swell 16
Swell 4

Swell to Choir
Swell 16 to Choir
Swell 4 to Choir
Gallery to Choir

Choir 16
Choir 4

25 level solid state memory
5 general toe and thumb pistons
5 thumb pistons each division