If you would like to advertise in the Official Programme or Sponsor an event, please refer to the "Guide for Exhibitors and Advertisers"
Point of ContactFor full information on advertisements in the convention programme, event sponsorship, or enclosures in registration packets, potential advertisers are requested to contact:
23 St. Remy Drive Ottawa, ON K2J 1A7 tel: (613) 825-1722 work: (613) 520-2600 ext. 3736 email: deirdre_piper@carleton.ca The RCCO Organ Festival d'orgue gratefully acknowledges the generous financial assistance of its donors and sponsors.
Les Orgues BaumgartenThe official tuner for the convention.
The Very Reverend Shane ParkerDean of Ottawa and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa
Betsy Clarke & AssociatesConsultants in Philanthropy
1SourceWith thanks to 1Source, 695 Industrial Avenue, Ottawa and Don O'Keefe, Principal for providing the Festival Committee with a photocopier.
With thanks for providing 2 keyboards for the Anthem Reading sessions.
We appreciate the support of the following churches who have provided the use of their church and organ free of charge for the Festival.The Bruyère Convent (Mother House of the Sisters of Charity)Christ Church Cathedral St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Église Saint-François d’Assise
BECOME A DONOR The Organ Festival d'orgue gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following:Patron $500 - $999
Supporter $250 - $499
Donor $100 - $249
Contributor $50 - $99