Make a Donation
Donations to Orgelfest 2013 are gratefully received. Tax receipts for all donations over $10 will be mailed to the donor. Just click on the Donate button to make your donation. You will be recognized on our donors list (unless you wish to be anonymous). The donor levels are given below.
Benefactor: | $5,000 and over |
Patron: | $1,000 - $4,999 |
Donor: | $500 - $999 |
Supporter: | $250 - $499 |
Contributor: | $100 - $249 |
Friend: | $50 - $99 |
Program Advertising
If you would like to advertise in the Official Programme or Sponsor an event, please
refer to the Guide for Advertisers and Exhibitors
Ad space dimensions
Please note that the deadline for submitting advertising for the programme book is May 31, 2013.
Point of Contact
For full information on advertisements in the convention programme, event sponsorship, or enclosures in registration packets, potential advertisers are requested to contact:
Robert Jones
13 Streeterpete Road
PO Box 768 Chesterville ON K0C 1H0
Orgelfest 2013 gratefully acknowledges the generous financial assistance of its donors and sponsors.


Major Orgelfest 2013 Sponsor

Montréal (Québec)
Co-presenter: Christian Lane Concert

Longueuil (Québec)
Sponsor of La Diva e Il Maestro

First Prize: Hymn Music Writing Competition

Second Prize: Hymn Music Writing Competition

Third Prize: Hymn Music Writing Competition

Sylvain Brisson
Official organ tuner for Orgelfest 2013

Graphic design services for Orgelfest 2013

Fugue State Films
First Prize - $5,000 - The Godfrey Hewitt Prize, offered by the Godfrey Hewitt Memorial Fund
Second Prize - $2,500 - The Létourneau Prize, offered by Létourneau Pipe Organs
Third Prize - $1,000 - The Muriel Gidley Stafford Prize, offered by the Royal Canadian College of Organists

PATRONS ($1,000 - $4,999)
Soeurs de la Charité d'OttawaDONORS ($500 - $999)
Mai-yu ChanEarl C. Clark
Kenneth W. Inkster
Ross Jewell
Donald & Suzanne Marjerrison
SUPPORTERS ($250 - $499)
John GrewMoira Hayes
Karen Holmes
Ralph Langtry
Richard S. Larkin
Thomas Leslie
Frances Macdonnell
Fr. Ed Wagner
Drs. William and Patricia Wright
CONTRIBUTORS ($100 - $249)
Dave BythellRobert Dunlop
Thomas A. Fitches
Frederick Francis
Sondra Goldsmith Proctor
David Huddleson
Thomas Leslie
Marion Miller
Randy Mills
Deirdre Piper
Bill Vineer
Michael Westwood
FRIEND ($50 - $99)
Samuel F. BaldenRosemary B. Birchard
Peter Bishop
David Bythell
Patrick Carter
Dianne Ferguson
Hazel Ogilvie
Suzanne St. Germain
Mark Toews
Barbara Underhill
David Weind