The venues used for Orgelfest are listed below in alphabetical order. Each entry has the address of the venue, a link to the venue's website and a link to the organ specifications with pictures of the organ and church.
Air Conditioned Venues:
Venue List: (alphabetical)
Convention Hotel
Organ Specifications:
Casavant Frères 1945 Opus 1778
Caron, Gagnon, Baumgarten Inc. 1991
Console - Baumgarten, Brisson - 2001
Titulaire: Estelle Vaillancourt S.C.O.
Casavant Frères 1964 Opus 2815
4 manuals and pedal

Organ Specifications:
Casavant Frères 1966 Opus 2875

Organist: Shawn Potter
Organ Specifications:
Casavant Frères 1929 - Opus 1353
Organist: Robert Palmai
Organ Specifications:
Casavant Frères, 1892 Opus 34,
1940 rebuild Opus 1647,
1945 rebuild Opus 1846
Guilbault-Thérien, 1998
Titulaire: Jennifer Loveless
Organ Specifications:
Mechanical (tracker) key action
Guilbault-Thérien, 1997 Opus 27
Organist: Thomas Annand
Organ Specifications:
Hill Norman and Beard 1958
Francois Caron 1982
Sylvain Brisson 1998

Organist: Wesley Warren
Organ Specifications:
Guilbault-Thérien, 1988, op28
Titulaire: Gilles Leclerc
Organ Specifications:
Mechanical key and stop action action
Gabriel Kney, London, Ontario 1977
Organist: Gordon Johnston
Organ Specifications:
Casavant Frères 1909
Expanded by Hill Norman and Beard 1957
Les Orgues Baumgarten (2005)
Organist: Kirkland Adsett
Organ Specifications:
Warren 1887
Rebuilt by Casavant 1898, 1930
Music Director: Francesca Bailey
Organ Specifications:
Mechanical key and stop action
Casavant Frères 1977
Organist: Karen Holmes