RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa

PO Box 2270 Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
Welcome to the Ottawa Centre of the
Royal Canadian College of Organists
Royal Canadian College of Organists - Ottawa
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Members! Advertise your events. Something musical happening in your life? Members, send your events to: publicity (at) rcco-ottawa (dot) ca and we'll share them on Facebook!



Our 2024-2025 Pro organo season can now be found at Pro Organo page. Season tickets my be purchased on line. Also please consider making a charitable donation to the series to help us keep the series going.

Organ Class- Kiwanis Music Fesztival

The Organ Classes of the Ottawa Kiwanis Music Festival will be held on Monday March 31, 2025, at 7 pm, in the First Church of Christ, Scientist (Metcalfe Street at Gilmour Street). The closing date for applications is Friday December 20, 2024. You can register on line through the Kiwanis Music Festival Website.


The annual Godfrey Hewitt Memorial Scholarship, a value of $6,000, has been awarded for 2024 by the Godfrey Hewitt Memorial Fund to Owen Spicer. Details are in this Press Release.

Marie Gajraj Doctoral Recital

Congratulations to Marie Gajraj who played her Doctoral Recital at the church of St Andrew and St Paul, Montreal on May 15, 2024. Maria was a menber of the Ottawa Centre and is now a member of the Montreal Centre. You can listen to this recital and see the program on You Tube.


Please note that this timeline can be found by selecting Centre Info | Web Archive pages | Ottawa Cente History Timeline on the menu above.

The Centre History kiosk made its debut at Orgelfest 2013. This is an interractive display which places significant events on a timeline. Bill Vineer supplied muich of the content and Rick St Germain put it all together. Click on the graphic below to access this display.

©Copyright MMXXIV  RCCO Ottawa Centre
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001

This page was last updated on: Wednesday, 16-Oct-2024 13:51:29 EDT