RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa

PO Box 2270 Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
The Godfrey Hewitt Memorial Prize in Organ Playing
Photo: Karsh

In May 2008, Angela Hewitt, Canada's favourite concert pianist and Godfrey Hewitt's daughter, gave two Bach piano recitals (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Parts I and II) in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, to raise additional funds for the scholarship fund in memory of Godfrey Hewitt, organist of Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, from 1931 to 1980. The fund, established in 2002, is administered through the Ottawa Centre, RCCO, and already offers an academic scholarship of $6,000 annually to an outstanding Canadian graduate student in organ. This very generous additional donation by Angela of her time and talents in 2008 has enabled the Trustees of the Godfrey Hewitt Memorial Scholarship Fund to establish a new Prize in Organ-Playing.

The Prize in Organ-Playing will be presented in memory of Godfrey Hewitt by the Ottawa Centre, Royal Canadian College of Organists, at the National Organ-Playing Competition which is held every other year at the National Convention of the Royal Canadian College of Organists. Generally, three prizes are awarded at this bi-annual competition. An initial Godfrey Hewitt Prize of $1,000 was presented as the Third Prize at the 2007 competition, held in Edmonton. At the 2009 Competition in Toronto, we supplied the second prize of $2,000. Beginning in 2011 at the National Convention in Hamilton, and then at subsequent National Competitions, the Godfrey Hewitt Prize has been awarded as the Grand Prize, currently amounting to $6,000.

Applications for the National Organ-Playing Competition offered by the Royal Canadian College of Organists can be made through the web-site of the Royal Canadian College of Organists, www.rcco.ca/competitions.

Guidelines and Operating Procedures

General: Prize Award: Advertising and Requirements: Awarding of the Prize:

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RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001

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