RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
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- Scholarships
- Hewitt Scholarship
- Requirements
Guidelines and Operating Procedures
The Godfrey Hewitt Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of the late Godfrey Hewitt, C.D., D.Mus. (Cantuar), FRCO, Hon. ARSCM, and is administered by the RCCO Ottawa Centre.
Awarded annually (except when there is no suitable applicant), the scholarship provides either to an advanced organ student holding Canadian citizenship (or having permanent residency status in Canada) $6,000 towards further courses of study either at a university or with a particular organ teacher, within Canada or outside it; or to an advanced organ non-Canadian student who has been accepted to study full-time at a Canadian university in the following academic year, $6,000 towards this purpose. It is hoped that candidates will plan to use their skills in the future as organ teachers—not necessarily in an institution, and not necessarily as a primary source of income.
Scholarship Award:
Requirements for Candidates:
- proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status in Canada; or, for non-Canadian applicants, proof of having been accepted to study full-time at a Canadian university in the following academic year;
- aged 35 years or less;
- graduate, or about to graduate, from a university, conservatory or college;
- Associate diploma of the RCCO, or similar academic level of qualification;
- stated intention of teaching organ (either in an academic institution or privately, not necessarily as the candidate's primary career).
c/o Frances Macdonnell
303 - 3099 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 5A6
Applications shall include the following:
- a detailed resume, including proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status in Canada; or, for non-Canadian applicants, proof of having been accepted to study full-time at a Canadian university in the following academic year;
- a specific plan of study during the following academic year
- three references, attesting to the candidate's ability and potential;
- a clear recording showing no identification, made during the previous twelve months,
stating date and place of recording, of three works:
- Any major Prelude and Fugue, Toccata and Fugue, or Passacaglia and Fugue by J. S. Bach
AND - The final movement of any Symphony by Louis Vierne
AND - One further work, contrasting with the above, to be selected by the candidate (the choice itself to be the subject of assessment);
- Any major Prelude and Fugue, Toccata and Fugue, or Passacaglia and Fugue by J. S. Bach
- a non-refundable fee of $50 (Canadian) (payable to "RCCO - Ottawa Centre").
Applications shall be postmarked, no later than April 30, and mailed to:
c/o Frances Macdonnell
303 - 3099 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 5A6
Or emailed to Frances Macdonnell no later than April 30.
Assessment of Applications:
Obligation to Repay:
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001