RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa

PO Box 2270 Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
CDs, MUSIC and BOOKS published by our members

This section highlights some of the compositions and CDs that our members have produced. If you are a member of the Ottawa Centre and would like your compositions or CDs advertised, please send the appropriate information to the Webmaster e-mail to: webmaster (at) rcco-ottawa (dot) ca


If you would like more information on any of the following items, please contact the member directly or contact the companies listed in each listing.

The members are listed alphabetically by last name.
  1. Raymond Daveluy
  2. Karen Holmes
  3. Rachel Laurin
  4. Gilles Maurice Leclerc
  5. Frances Macdonnell
  6. Deirdre Piper
  7. Wesley Warren Choir of St Barnabas A&M

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Raymond Daveluy

Compositions: Available from: Lucarel (French site) or Lucarel (English site)

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Karen Holmes

CD: Kaléidoscope Bach Kaleidoscope: Music by nine members of the Bach family played by Karen Holmes on organ, harpsichord and fortepiano.
(Organ - Guilbault-Thérien, Église St-François-d’Assise, Ottawa. Harpsichords and fortepiano - Department of Music, University of Ottawa.)
$15. Available from various music stores, or from Karen Holmes e-mail to: proOrgano (at) rcco-ottawa (dot) ca

CD: Canadian Musical Heritage / Patrimoine musical canadien:

Organ Music by Canadian composers written from 1897 to 1947 played on the Casavant organ at historic Église Sainte-Anne, Ottawa.

Available from various music stores, or from Karen Holmes.

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Rachel Laurin

A List of Rachel's COMPLETE ORGAN WORKS. Publication of new Organ Works

Rachel Laurin is happy to announce recent publishings of her organ works:

The Prelude and Fugue in F Minor was Premiered in June (2008) at the AGO National Convention in Minneapolis- St. Paul, as the winning composition of the Holtkamp-AGO Composition Competition 2007. The Twelve short Pieces are easy and brief pieces without pedal obligato, and can be used as well in the liturgy as in concert performances, including nice Encores! The Prelude and Fugue in F Minor is heard on Pipedreams by clicking on programme 843, Part I, this works is at the end of the programme, around the last ten minutes.

Please click here for a pdf listing of Rachel's COMPLETE ORGAN WORKS.

You can watch Isabelle Demers perform Rachel Laurin's Ëtude Hëroïque played on Casavant Opus 869, Church of St Anges, Montreal.

For more information , you can e-mail the composer at: rachellaurin (at) sympatico (dot) ca. You may place orders at: www.wayneleupold.com OR www.hinshawmusic.com

Other Compositions: Available from: Lucarel (French site) or Lucarel (English site)

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Gilles Maurice Leclerc

CD: Volume I of the organ works as performed and improvised by the composer at Église St-François d'Assise, Ottawa with Kevin James, alto/viola. $20 plus $5 shipping. Available from Gilles Leclerc e-mail to: gilles.leclerc7 (at) sympatico (dot) ca In Ottawa, the CD may be purchased at these locations: The Leading Note, CD Warehouse, St Paul University Bookstore, St Patrick's Bascilica Bookstore.
Also available from Opus II in Kitchener Ont.

Compositions: Available from Lucarel (French site) or Lucarel (English site)

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Frances Macdonnell

Frances Macdonnell is Organist Emeritus of Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa. She has written a number of sacred choral pieces for the choirs at the cathedral. These are available from:
Frances Macdonnell
303-3099 Carling Ave
Ottawa, ON K2H 5A6
Frances Macdonnell email: fbmacdonnell (at) sympatico (dot) ca
* The four short masses (The Madawaska Mass, Mass in G minor, Mass in A, Mass in the Aeolian mode) were published together in one booklet entitled "Eucharistic Music for the Book of Alternative Services", Christ Church Cathedral Press, 1987.

The following are available from Oecumuse:

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Deirdre Piper

Dr Deirdre Piper is a professor at Carleton University - School for Studies in Art and Culture
Listing in the Canada Music Centre - biography  -  recordings  -  Works in CMC Library
Other Recordings containing music by Dr. Deirdre Piper:
- CDs available from the School for Studies in Art and Culture: Music, Carleton University, Ottawa:
  1. Diversions, for saxophone quartet; “Canadian Sounds: Deirdre Piper – Composer and Organist,” Carleton Sound cscd-1007
  2. Khoreia, for clarinet, cello and piano; on “Canadian Sounds: Deirdre Piper – Composer and Organist,” Carleton Sound cscd-1007
  3. Sonata für Elaine; Elaine Keillor (piano) on “Views of the Piano Sonata,” Carleton Sound cscd-1002;
- CDs available from the Canadian Music Centre:
  1. Sarum: Variations on an Advent Chant, for organ; David Palmer (organ) on “Canadian Organ Music Showcase,” CMC Centrediscs CMCCD 12106

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Wesley Warren

CD (2012): Exsultate Deo
Choir of St Barnabas; Wesley Warren, organist and director

Featuring the parish choir and organist Wesley R. Warren, Exsultate Deo contains music that takes the listener through the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Passiontide, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and ‘ordinary time’, as well as feast-days such as All Saints’, and services at different times of the day such as morning Mass and Evensong.

The CD contains a mix of solo organ works, accompanied choral works, and unaccompanied choral works.

Here is the complete list of tracks on the CD:

  1. Intrada – Grayston Ives 2:55
  2. Lo, in the time appointed – Healey Willan 2:06
  3. Notre Père – Maurice Duruflé 1:17
  4. Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon. 2:31
  5. Chorale Prelude on ‘Es ist das Heil uns kommen her’ – Anon. 2:50
  6. Tantum ergo – Wesley Warren 1:51
  7. Christ, whose glory fills the skies – Keith Bissell 1:03
  8. Master Tallis’s Testament – Herbert Howells 6:42
  9. Prayer to Jesus – George Oldroyd 3:05
  10. O salutaris hostia – Edward Elgar 2:18
  11. This joyful Eastertide – Dutch carol arr. W.H. Harris 2:47
  12. An Air Composed for Holsworthy Church Bells – S.S. Wesley 6:02
  13. If ye love me – Thomas Tallis 1:43
  14. ‘Come down, O love divine’(Down Ampney) 3:14
  15. Prelude on ‘Down Ampney’ – Henry Ley 3:56
  16. Thee will I love – C. Armstrong Gibbs 3:17
  17. ‘Now thank we all our God’ (Nun danket) 2:45
  18. Justorum animae – C.V Stanford 2:50
  19. Toccata ‘Placere Christe servulis’ – Marcel Dupré 2:25
  20. Open thou mine eyes – Eleanor Daley 4:20
  21. Exsultate Deo – G.P. da Palestrina 2:01
  22. Toccata in G – Théodore Dubois 6:49

The CD can be ordered from the parish website of St Barnabas, Ottawa.

©Copyright MMXXIV  RCCO Ottawa Centre
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001

This page was last updated on: Sunday, 07-Nov-2021 22:47:58 EST