RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa

PO Box 2270 Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4


Convention Tote Bags

These are large sturdy cotton bags with the convention logo.
Available from Suzanne St Germain e-mail to: newsletter (at) rcco-ottawa (dot) ca
Only $5.00 plus $5.00 shipping and handling.

Centre T Shirts

beaver logo

We have only a few T- Shirts for sale with the 'Beaver Logo' and RCCO OTTAWA printed on the front.

Sizes and colors:
Large: Pink. Purple
XLarge: Green, Pink, Purple
These T- Shirts are $12 CDN each plus $5 for shipping.

The logo shows a Beaver which symbolizes Canada, an Organ Pipe for RCCO and the Peace Tower for Ottawa.

Order Information

Please order by regular mail and make cheques payable to : RCCO Ottawa Centre.

Please mail orders to:

RCCO - Ottawa Centre
PO Box 2270 Station D
Ottawa Ontario CANADA
K1P 5W4

©Copyright MMXXIV  RCCO Ottawa Centre
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001

This page was last updated on: Saturday, 15-Sep-2018 23:25:09 EDT