RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
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- Events 2014-2015
Events will be posted as soon as I receive the information.

1029 Dazé St, Ottawa
(NW corner of Bank and Hunt Club - across from the South Keys Theatre)
Monday September 29, 2014
6:00 pm gathering
for 6:30 pm dinner
Dinner: (chosen at the restaurant)
several choices of entrees including chicken and salmon
Tea/ Coffee/ Pop
Cost: $38:00 (incudes tip)
Please register by Sept. 22 by sending a cheque payable to RCCO, Ottawa Centre and mailing it to:
476 Evered Avenue
Ottawa ON K1Z 5K8
Guest speaker: The Rev. Dr. Scott Kindred-Barnes,
Minister of First Baptist Church

9:30 am
Return approx. midnight
Saturday October 18, 2014
Cost to be determined based on interest
Roughly $50-$70 for the charter bus
Contact Blake Hargreaves to register 613-255-1394
Immaculée-Conception ChurchJames David Christie, utmost performer of the early music repertoire, explores works by composers that have preceded Bach: Buxtehude as well as more obscure composers such as Schneidemann, Böhm and J.C. Bach. This one-hour concert is a must for all J.S. Bach aficionados and will celebrate M. Christie’s sumptuous touch at the organ.
On the program: Prelude in A minor, BuxWV 158 by Buxtehude, works by Böhm, Scheidemann and J.C. Bach.
Reserve today: $20
Price at the door: $25
1 pm through the afternoon
Organ crawl in downtown Montreal including
St. James United (463 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest)
Other locations to be determined
4:00 pm
Salle BourgieSurrender once again to the masterful playing and ardent direction of violonist Enrico Onofri! Experience the contagious musical “Italian Invasion” of London! The works of Corelli and his compatriots were all the rage, as was il caro sassone, that dear Saxon, Handel. The charms of the Italian Baroque transpire in delightful concertos, where cuckoos and nightingales on occasion sing, on the organ or the violin.
On the program: Corelli, Handel, Vivaldi
Tickets: $20 to 50$
A sublime musical moment with the Choir of St. Andrew and St. Paul
The Church of St. Andrew and St. PaulBefore closing the 2014 Competition during the Gala Concert on October 19, the CIOC will set the church ablaze with the wonderful choir of St Andrew and St Paul. They will be performing the grandiose ‘Dona nobis pacem’, choral masterpiece by Vaughan Williams.
In the first half of the concert, Christian Lane, CIOC grand CIOC prize winner in 2011, will let the organ sing with works by Bach, Widor and Sowerby. He will then be passing the baton during the Gala Concert, crowning the 2014 CIOC Winners the following day.
With : Jonathan Oldengarm, Christian Lane, organ
Choir of St. Andrew and St. Paul, Jordan de Souza directing
On the program: Dona nobis pacem by Vaughan Williams, Bach, Widor, Sowerby, Bossi.
Tickets: $20 to 50$ (link opens in new window).
Reservation ahead of time: $20
Tickets: $25
Order tickets (opens in a new browser window)
Bus back to Ottawa departs from the church of St. Andrew and St. Paul at the end of this concert.

7:00 pm
Wellington Gastro Pub
1325 Wellington Ave
(between Parkdale and Island Park Drive)

On Monday, January 12th, the Wellington Gastropub in Hintonberg will be hosting a listening party of significant organ performances on vinyl. This is being co-presented by Tetra Speakers (a locally based but internationally respected speaker company) which will bring in its audiophile-quality equipment. There is a fee of $25 which covers appetizers and a beverage with proceeds going to the Parkdale Food Bank and Kiwanis music scholarships.

of the
2:00 pm
Christ Church Cathedral
414 Sparks
(between Bronson and Bay)
Free to RCCO members, $10 admission for non-members
The Profane: Tonewheel (Hammond) & Transistor Organs
demos by: Don Cummings – a jazz organist who delivers injections of vitamin B-3
talks by: Richard Vernon of Tone On Wheels – a technician who specialises in Hammonds & Leslies
Matt Morel – musician, son of a church organist who perversely preferred the choir room Farfisa
The Sacred: Modern Digital Organs
demos by: Matthew Larkin – Cathedral organist, choral conductor, and esteemed soloist
talks by: Rodgers Organs – representative Dan Amorim will speak on the latest digital advances
Ross Dixon – church organist with experience playing a multitude of electronic organs
Please help to advertise this event by posting this poster.

15 Aylmer (at Bank - South of the canal)
Saturday Feb 28, 2015
Time: 2:00 pm
Come and hear our students in recital on Saturday February 28th at 2pm at Southminster United Church. Admission is free. Students of any age of any current member of the RCCO are eligible to play in this recital.
The purpose of this recital is to give students some valuable playing experience, so even beginning students are encouraged to play. The amount of playing time available to students will depend on how many students participate. If someone would like to play a hymn that the audience can sing during the recital, they are encouraged to do so.
Free-will donations will be collected and will go towards the 'Scholarship for Beginning Organ Students'. Come out and support our young organists!
Students of all ages are encouraged to perform. Please send all pieces/composers and a very short bio to Jennifer Loveless by Tuesday February 24th. Each student is allowed up to three hours of practice time. Please contact Martha Hanna to book practice time.

Chair of Organ and Church Music, McGill University
(Sussex at St Patrick)
Sat, March 7, 2015
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30pm
Free to members and $10 for non-members
Professor Hans-Ola Ericsson, Chair of Organ and Church Music at McGill University, who is giving a Pro Organo recital in Notre-Dame Cathedral-Basilica on Friday March 6 at 7.30 pm (please note the date), has kindly agreed to offer a master-class to our Ottawa organ students the following day.
The master-class will take place on Saturday March 7 from 1.30 to 3.30 pm in the organ balcony of Notre-Dame Cathedral-Basilica.
Although Professor Ericsson is a specialist in both early and modern music, he will be happy to hear repertoire from any period. Since this event falls between the RCCO Student Recital and the Kiwanis Music Festival, organ students may bring any repertoire they are working on.
Those students interested in performing in the masterclass should send the title/composer of the pieces they wish to play to Jennifer Loveless by February 27th.
This educational event is of course open to all RCCO members, and it will be of wide interest. All are welcome!

207 Woodroffe (North of Carling)
Sunday April 12, 2015
Time: 3:00 pm
Sondra Goldsmith Proctor
Ian Guenette
Vija Kluchert
Samuel Lee
Donald Marjerrison
Donald Russell
Dianne Smith
Members of the Ottawa Centre will give a recital of music for Eastertide. There will be a used music and CD before and after the concert. All are invited, so bring your friends. There will be refreshments following the recital. The Freewill Offering will go towards the Organ Scholarship Programme for teenagers. There is ample parking for everyone.

RCCO Pub Evening at the Heart & Crown
(The room is under renovations)

Montreal Organ Crawl
including Maison Symphonique organ
Departure time: 7:30 AM
from St Peter's Lutheran Church (Sparks at Bay)
The new organ at Maison Symphonique
St. James United
We are in for a treat! On Saturday, May 30th, a bus will take us to Montreal for an organ crawl. There, you’ll see, up front and personal, Casavant’s magnificent new Grand Orgue Pierre Béique,Opus 3900 inaugurated at the brand new Maison Symphonique just last year. Titular organist, Jean-Willy Kunz, will lead us through this spectacular space and demonstrate the 4-manual organ. This is a not-to-miss opportunity to visit one of the most spectacular organs ever produced by Casavant Frères. Capping off our tour will be a visit to another spectacular Casavant, this time at St. James United Church where resident organist Philip Crozier will guide us through this popular venue.
The revised itinerary for this outing is as follows:10:30 am Lunch on your own in vicinity of St James United.
12:00 pm tour at St. James United (There is an event at St James that ends at noon)
1:15 pm Bus leaves St. James for Maison Symphonique. 1:45 am tour at Maison Symphonique
3:00 pm depart from Montreal
5:00 pm dropoff at St Peter’s
A 20-passenger bus will be our primary mode of transportation. Fees for the day, including bus, are:
$75 for non-members
$50 for Students.
For those not taking the bus, the fee will be $10 to cover the cost of admission to Maison Symphonique. Bookings will be taken on a first-come basis for the first 20 participants, with priority for those taking bus transport. We need a commitment by May 8th so we know if we have enough people for a bus. If not, we can advise those who wrote cheques for a bus and offer them the registration with car pooling. We need more than just a verbal commitment to hire a bus.
For further information or to register, please confirm with Blake Hargreaves at 613-255-1394, or via email at Blake Hargreaves. Send cheques payable to RCCO Ottawa Centre to2-498 Lyon St. N.,
Ottawa, ON K1R 5X7

971 Woodroffe (just North of the Queesnway)
Monday June 15, 2015
Time: 7:00 pm refreshments
7:30 meeting
This is your centre. The executive values the feedback received from members. Come out and voice your opinions on what you would like to have your Centre do.
The Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Centre is our opportunity to conduct the necessary business of the College but also to celebrate the year past and look forward to the coming year. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in decision making and to hear reports of the various convenors and national council representatives.
There is plenty of parking and the room is air-conditioned.

Frances Macdonnell
930 Watson St, Ottawa (North of Queensway, off Pinecrest)
(lots of parking)
Sat, September 19, 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Frances Macdonnell You may recall that in the academic year 2013-14, I offered a series of six workshops to help students prepare for the Service-Playing and Colleague examinations. In 2015-16, I would like to do the same thing for the RCCO's Choir Training Certificate Examination.
For some years now, the RCCO has offered this examination, aimed at parish church musicians working in real-life situations in small churches, through which they can demonstrate their ability to plan a choir programme in a church, direct a short choir practice, briefly discuss rehearsal and performance techniques, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, and write some simple harmony. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
The difficulty is that so far, no member of the College has as yet taken this exam! What is putting people off from attempting it? One possible answer is that the Examination Requirements say that both sections of the exam, practical and written, must be taken at once. Although this exam is in fact not difficult, that requirement may have made it look a little daunting. I have therefore obtained the agreement of the National Examinations Committee that this examination can in the future be tried one session at a time: that is, candidates can do either the written or the practical in one year, and the other half another year. This makes the whole project much more approachable.
Throughout next academic year, therefore, starting in September, I would like to offer a series of six educational workshops to help members look at this exam and to discover that it's not nearly as difficult as it looks on paper! It can very easily be prepared, and I will gladly help members to do that, for either one section or the other, or both.
The first of these workshops will be held onSt. Stephen's Anglican Church
from 10 am until noon
I will schedule the other workshops as soon as we know how many members are interested in participating and what their schedules are like. For further information, please e-mail me at Frances Macdonnell, or call me at 613-726-7984.
Or, of course, if you have ideas for other Educational programmes which you would like the Centre to provide, please get in touch with me as well!

1029 Dazé St, Ottawa
(Near NW corner of Bank and Hunt Club - across from the South Keys Theatre)
Monday October 26, 2015
6:00 pm gathering
for 6:30 pm dinner
Cost: $40:00 (incudes tip)
Guest speaker: James Bailey, RCCO National President
Our next Clergy-Organists Dinner for the Ottawa Centre will be held on Monday October 26, gathering at 6.00 pm, dinner at 6.30 pm. As everyone very much enjoyed the restaurant where we went last year, we are using it again - KS on the Keys, 1029 Dazé Street (in the South Keys area). The price will be $40, and the menu will be announced in the September Pipelines.
Our guest speaker will be the National Chair of the RCCO, James Bailey, from Toronto. James is a distinguished architect as well as a distinguished musician, and he will be giving us an illustrated talk about the relationship between church music and its specialized architecture, which should be extremely fascinating!
Please reserve the date now, and let your clergy know about it too! See you there!
Registration information and menu to follow.
2007/08 | 2008/09 | 2009/10 | 2010/11 | |
2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15 | 2015/16 |
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2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | ||
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001