RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
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- Events 2016-2017
Events will be posted as soon as I receive the information.
Again this year there will be educational workshops organized by Frances Macdonnell (Education Committee). The main centre programme will also include a number of educational events. Workshops organized by the Education Committee are shown with a green title as above, and green bar down the side as in this text.

1029 Dazé St, Ottawa
(Near NW corner of Bank and Hunt Club - across from the South Keys Theatre)
Monday September 19, 2016
6:00 pm gathering
for 6:30 pm dinner
Dinner: (chosen at the restaurant)
Tea/ Coffee/ Pop
Cost: $38:00 (incudes tip - less than last year!)
Please register by Sept. 12 by sending a cheque payable to RCCO, Ottawa Centre and mailing it to:
Guest speaker: Thomas Leslie, Executive Dir: CIOC and Regional Director.
Please reserve the date now, and let your clergy know about it too! See you there!

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops - September 2016 to May 2017
First workshop303-3099 Carling Ave
Sat, September 24, 2016
10 am - noon
After the success of last spring’s exams, in which Ottawa members Alison Kranias and Chunson Park passed the RCCO’s Choir Training Certificate Examination, Frances Macdonnell will offer another series of educational workshops this year to prepare interested members for next spring’s exams. The requirements have changed very slightly from last year; the new Syllabus lists different hymns and a different psalm. But it’s not nearly as difficult an examination as it looks on paper!
In this exam, candidates demonstrate their ability to plan a church choir programme, direct a short choir practice, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, write some simple harmony, and do some simple ear tests. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
The first of these workshops will be held on Saturday September 24 at Frances’s apartment, 303- 3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building. Dates for future workshops through the year will be planned when it is established how many members are interested in participating. For further information, please e-mail Frances Macdonnell, or call 613-726-7984. It would be good to know approximately how many members are coming to the first workshop, so that there will be enough copies of the hand-outs.

Andrew McAnerney

Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Chapel in Basement - 58 Guigues
Saturday October 1, 2016
2:00 pm
Free for members, $10 for non-members
Parking is located at 90 Parent and is free if you put 'at church' on your dashboard. Enter the choir room from 58 Gigues.
Repertoire to be sung (Please download music and bring it to the workshop)Summer is icumen in - Anon c.1260 [1:30]. Medieval English
O nata lux - Thomas Tallis 1505-1585 [2:00] 4 parts. Latin
Justorum animae - Charles Villiers Stanford 1852-1924 [3:30] SATB voices with some splits. Latin
Greensleeves - Ralph Vaughan Williams 1872-1958 [5:00] SSAATTBB. English
This repertoire is of interest to choir singers and choral directors alike; the music is all attractive and can be used in service or concert.
Andrew McAnerney, the Workshop Leader, will work on several specific points:- Posture/Musical knowledge - Summer is icumen in - an exercise in improving choral sound through posture - which will involve walking while singing for those who are able
- Interpretation/historical awareness - Photocopies of the original part of O nata lux will be available at the session. After singing with modern notation, we will collectively review the part Tallis wrote and see how the way a piece is notated changes the way we sing, and how important a little historical knowledge is to performing Tudor music a way the composer might recognize.
- Interpretation/tuning - Justorum animae is a fantastic example of English Romantic that poses several challenges to the singer and director. We will talk about interpretation and deal with some of the ensemble and tuning problems the piece will provoke.
- Choral Singing - Melodic vs harmonic singing - Greensleeves is a fun piece to sing with a well known tune but is full of dynamic, phrasing and melodic challenges - what choral singing is all about!
Choral singers: Mark this date on your calendar for this exciting workshop with Andrew McAnerney.
Andrew has over 25 years of experience as a conductor, singer, arranger and educator. He holds a BA and MA in music from the University of Oxford (Magdalen College). He has performed with the Tallis Scholars, BBC Singers, Academy of St Martin in the Fields and many other prestgious ensembles. He isa currently conductor of the Cantata Singers of Ottawa, The Anglican Chorale and the Studio de musique ancienne de Montreal.
Please print and display this poster for your choir to see.

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops - September 2016 to May 2017
Second workshop303-3099 Carling Ave
Sat, October 22, 2016
10 am - noon
In this exam, candidates demonstrate their ability to plan a church choir programme, direct a short choir practice, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, write some simple harmony, and do some simple ear tests. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
The second of these workshops will be held on Saturday October 22 at my apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.
It’s not too late to join in for this year! If you would like to start coming, please e-,mail Frances Macdonnell, or call 613-726-7984, in advance of the next workshop.

67 Clarence St (Byward Market)
Monday, October 24, 2016
5:30 pm
Come for a traditional pub dinner with a pint of your favorite brew (or soft drink or even tea if you prefer) and watch some great organ DVDs, YouTube videos of organs, organists, good music and bad music...all in the comfort of a private dining room with audio-visual facilities away from the hustle and bustle of the hockey down the hall.
We have the Black Rose room to ourselves to socialize and have refreshments and a pub meal. Bring your favourite DVDs and we will show them on the large screen. If you have a favourite YouTube site related to Organs/Organists/Churches, etc., email it to me at Donald Marjerrison and we can show it as well.

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops - September 2016 to May 2017
Third workshop303-3099 Carling Ave
Sat, November 26, 2016
10 am - noon
In this exam, candidates demonstrate their ability to plan a church choir programme, direct a short choir practice, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, write some simple harmony, and do some simple ear tests. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
The third of these workshops will be held on Saturday November 26 at my apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.
It’s not too late to join in for this year! If you would like to start coming, please e-,mail Frances Macdonnell, or call 613-726-7984, in advance of the next workshop.

1325 Wellington Ave
(between Parkdale and Island Park Drive)
Monday January 16, 2017
6:00 pm
Please note the change in time

Join us on Monday January 16th at the Wellington Gastropub in Hintonberg for a listening party of significant organ performances on vinyl. Please bring any vinly organ recordings that you would like to share.
This is being co-presented by Tetra Speakers (a locally based but internationally respected speaker company) which will bring in its audiophile-quality equipment. There is a fee of $25 which covers appetizers and a beverage with proceeds going to the Parkdale Food Bank and our Kiwanis Music Festival Organ scholarships.

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops - September 2016 to May 2017
Fourth workshop303-3099 Carling Ave
Sat, January 21, 2017
10 am - noon
In this exam, candidates demonstrate their ability to plan a church choir programme, direct a short choir practice, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, write some simple harmony, and do some simple ear tests. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
The fourth of these workshops will be held on Saturday January 21 at my apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.
If you would like to start coming, please e-,mail Frances Macdonnell, or call 613-726-7984, in advance of the next workshop.

Jonathan Oldengarm
385 Sussex at St Patrick
Saturday February 25, 2017
Time 2:00 - 4:00 pm
We are fortunate that Dr. Jonathan Oldengarm will also teach a Master Class at the same church on Saturday, February 25th, starting at 2 p.m. For this, you can sit upstairs in the organ tribune. There is no specific music for this class - students can play anything they wish - but please notify Karen Holmes e-mail to: proOrgano (at) rcco-ottawa (dot) ca if you wish to play, so that we can organize the schedule. To go up to the tribune, enter by the south door on the west façade; you will see the staircase there. This class is free for RCCO members; there is a $10 fee for non-members. Jonathan taught at the Academy at the Convention in Kingston, and is a very friendly teacher!

760 Somerset at Empress
Saturday March 11, 2017
Time: 1:30 pm
Come and hear our students in recital on Saturday March 11 at 1:30pm at St Luke's Anglican Church!
The purpose of this recital is to give students some valuable playing experience, so even beginning students are encouraged to play.
Free-will donations will be collected and will go towards the Scholarship for Beginning Organ Students. Come out and support our young organists!

1:00 pm
St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church
125 MacKay St
Although this is not one of our programmes, it does involve many of our student members and we are providing $500 in scholarship money to the participants. The adjudicator is our member Kirkland Adsett. Come and support our students in recital. Further informationn can be found on the Kiwanis Music Festival website.

Frances Macdonnell
303-3099 Carling Ave
Sat, April 15, 2017
10 am - noon
In this exam, candidates demonstrate their ability to plan a church choir programme, direct a short choir practice, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, write some simple harmony, and do some simple ear tests. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
The next of these workshops will be held on Saturday April 15 at my apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.
If you would like to start coming, please e-,mail Frances Macdonnell, or call 613-726-7984, in advance of the next workshop.


Woodroffe United Church
207 Woodroffe Ave
Saturday April 22, 2017
Time: 1:30 - 6:00 pm
Young and old, players, singers and lovers of music of all kinds: You're all invited to join us at Woodroffe United Church on Saturday, April 22nd, for the Ottawa Centre's Great Music Marathon in honour of Johann Sebastian Bach. This once-in-a-lifetime event will be held from 1:30 – 6:00 pm, graciously hosted by Woodroffe's Music Director, Katarina Jovic. This celebration of the music of J.S. Bach will not only feature performances of his works on the pipe organ by our own Centre members, but also by many young students who sing, play piano and other instruments.
The full schedule with list of music, performers and time can be downloaded here.
A poster for this event is available here.
Following is a partial list of those who will be performing:
Maria Kristic, Declan Lavoie, Katarina Jovic
Emily Baillie and students
Mai-yu Chan
Karen Holmes and students Samuel Lee and Rebecca Lee
Alison Kranias and students
David LaFranchise
Rachel Laurin
Frances Macdonnell
Donald Marjerrison
Shawn Potter
Adele Marsland
Robert Jones
Heather Rice and students
Aditi Magdalena
Antonio Giamberardino
Donald Russell
Wesley Warren
A freewill offering will be directed towards the support the scholarship funds for young organists. For any additional information or to volunteer to assist in the afternoon, please contact Sondraproctorgoldsmith (at) gmail (dot) com or mobile: 202.841.8712. Mark your calendars now and join all of us in this musical celebration of this great composer.
Come when you can; leave when you must.

220 Kent Street (at Nepean)
Saturday April 29, 2017
1:00 PM
Meet at the ramp door on Nepean Street
Please join us for a tour of the historic organ at St. Patrick's Basilica, hosted by Jacquelin Rochette, the Artistic Director at Casavant Frères. This is a rare opportunity to see and hear this historic instrument up close, and learn about its recent restoration.
There will be a coffee and cookies reception afterwards.
This event is free for RCCO Members, non-members are asked to contribute a donation of $10.
We will meet at the Nepean Street door with the accessiblity ramp.

9:45 am to approx 4:00 pm
Carpool meet at 8AM at
St Peter's Lutheran (Sparks at Bay)
RCCO member Mark Moss will host an exploration of pipe organs in Pembroke. We plan to visit the following instruments:
- Calvin United - 3 manual Casavant
- St. Columbkille - 2 manual Casavant
- Holy Trinity Anglican - 2 manual Casavant
Tables for our group will be reserved at a local restaurant recommended by Mr. Moss for lunch.
If you are interested in going, please contact Blake Hargreaves, and indicate if you would require transportation, or if you are able to offer seats in your car. We are organizing car pooling for anyone wishing to attend who needs it.
Students are encouraged to attend this event, and will be given the opportunity to play these instruments.
The default Pickup location for carpools is St. Peter's Lutheran, at 8am. If you require a ride and this is inconvenient for you, let us know.
The event begins in Pembroke at 9:45 at Calvin United, at the corner of Renfrew Street and Church Street in Pembroke.
Hope you can join us!

971 Woodroffe (just North of the Queesnway)
Monday June 5, 2017
Time: 7:00 pm refreshments
7:30 meeting
This is your centre. The executive values the feedback received from members. Come out and voice your opinions on what you would like to have your Centre do.
The Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Centre is our opportunity to conduct the necessary business of the College but also to celebrate the year past and look forward to the coming year. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in decision making and to hear reports of the various convenors and national council representatives.
We are pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Mervin Saunders, our Centre Chaplain, will be recognized as the Member of the Year. Mervin has held the position of Chaplain since 2002. After these past 15 years of dedicated service, Mervin has decided to retire as our Chaplain. We wish Mervin and Helen the very best and thank you very much.
There is plenty of parking and the room is air-conditioned.
2007/08 | 2008/09 | 2009/10 | 2010/11 | |
2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15 | 2015/16 |
2016/17 | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | 2019/20 | 2020/21 |
2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | ||
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001