RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
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Events will be posted as soon as I receive the information.
COVID-19 virus and the RCCO - Ottawa Centre
Please check each event listing to see the COVID protocols in place for that event. We will follow the advice of Ottawa's Medical Officer and follow the procedures required by the various venues. We will try to have any protocols posted a week in advance.
The main centre programme will also include a number of educational events. Workshops organized by the Education Committee are shown with a green title as above, and green bar down the side as in this text.

Organ Crawl - Ottawa
Saturday September 21, 2019
1:00 pm at First Baptist Church
(Elgin at Laurier)
An Ottawa organ crawl that will feature four churches situated on Elgin Street will begin at First Baptist at 1 p.m., move to Saint John the Evangelist Anglican at 2:00 p.m. Then we will visit Knox Presbyterian at 3:00 p.m. The crawl will end at Saint Marc United at 4:00 p.m. We will conclude the crawl with dinner, possibly at the Elgin Street Diner. All churches are at a walking distance from one another. Please note that Elgin Street is still heavily under construction. You may want to consider parking nearer to Gladstone Avenue near Elgin or near Saint Marc United. Also there is free parking on weekends at City Hall. For more information, please contact Gilles Leclerc.

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops - September 2019 to May 2020
First workshop303-3099 Carling Ave
(ring #20 at front door)
Sat, September 28, 2019
10 am - noon
Several Ottawa Centre candidates have passed the RCCO’s Choir Training Certificate Examination in the past few years. I will again offer another series of educational workshops this year to prepare interested members for next spring's exams. It’s not a very difficult exam, and is open to every member of the RCCO who has even a little experience in working with choirs; previous candidates have found that passing this exam is very confidence-building!
In this exam, candidates demonstrate their ability to plan a small church choir programme, direct a short choir practice, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, write some simple harmony, and do some easy ear tests. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training. For the Practical exam, my own choir, the Cranmer Singers, will be the test choir.
The first of these workshops will be held on Saturday September 28 at my apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.
Dates for future workshops through the year will be planned when it is established how many members are interested in participating. For further information, please contact Frances Macdonnell, or call 613-726-7984. It would be good to know in advance approximately how many members are coming to the first workshop, so that I will have enough copies of the hand-outs.
I look forward to seeing prospective candidates on September 28!

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops - September 2019 to May 2020
Second workshop303-3099 Carling Ave
(ring #20 at front door)
Sat, October 26, 2019
10 am - noon
We continue with the series of workshops to prepare for the Choir Training Certificate exam which will be offered next spring by the RCCO. The second of these workshops will be held on Saturday October 26 at my apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.
The first workshop has already taken place, but it is not too late to join in! For further information, please contact Frances Macdonnell, or call 613-726-7984, if you would like to prepare for this exam.
I look forward to seeing prospective candidates on October 26!

1029 Dazé St, Ottawa
(Near NW corner of Bank and Hunt Club - across from the South Keys Theatre)
Monday Oct 28, 2019
6:00 pm gathering
for 6:30 pm dinner
To be chosen at the restaurant, the main menu is a choice of:
- Chicken parmigiana
- Salmon with lemongrass
- Chicken breast filled with asparagus and cream cheese
- Vegetarian pasta Primavera
- Beef Souvlaki
Tea/ coffee
Cost: $41:00 (includes tip)
Please register by October 21st by sending a cheque payable to RCCO, Ottawa Centre and mailing it to:
Guest speaker: Rev. Victoria Scott (St. Luke's Anglican Church)

Please reserve the date now, and let your clergy know about it too! See you there!

760 Somerset St. W (Corner of Bell St.)
Sunday November 3, 2019
Time 3:00 pm
Seven members of the Ottawa Centre are going to play in this year’s Members’ Recital. The performers will include Elaine Graham, Catherine Helferty, Karen Holmes, Robert Jones, Matthew Larkin, Donald Marjerrison, and Donald Russell, and the repertoire to be played will vary widely! Please come and enjoy this year’s performers, and see all your old friends.
Admission is by a freewill offering which will go to support Pro Organo.
Please print and display this poster.

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops - September 2019 to May 2020
303-3099 Carling Ave(ring #20 at front door)
Sat, February 15, 2020
10 am - noon
The next of these workshops will be held on Saturday February 15 at Frances Macdonnell's apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.

1060 Wellington Street West (at Fairmont)
Saturday March 7, 2020
Time 1:30 pm
Come and hear our students in recital. The purpose of this recital is to give students some valuable playing experience, so even beginning students are encouraged to play.
Free-will donations will be collected and will go towards the Scholarship for Beginning Organ Students. Come out and support our young organists!

Music, Math & Mythology: Bach's Language of Faith
Jan Kraybill
Kanata United Church
33 Leacock Dr, Kanata, ON K2K 2B9
Saturday March 14, 2020
Time 10:00 am to Noon
Free for members, $5 for non-members
Join Jan Kraybill for a workshop exploring Bach's music, especially his use of musical symbolism to express theological concepts. You can expect to hear a lot of Bach in Jan's Pro Organo recital on the following Monday — it's the 270th anniversary year of his death, after all! Come for an sneak peek and unpack some of the music you will hear.

O'Connor at Lisgar
POSTPONED due to COVID-19 virus
Time 3:00 pm

For the Love of Organ Music!
Our featured recitalists are Matthew Larkin and Rachel Laurin. We are grateful for these superb organists for donating their talents in support our organ recital series. Pro Organo is the longest running organ recital series in Canada.
For many years, the City of Ottawa supported this activity by an Arts Grant, but this grant has been discontinued, and the Pro Organo Recital Series now needs substantial financial help in order to survive. Will you help us?
There are many ways in which you can help:- Become a subscriber to our Pro Organo Concert series next season and attend the remaining concerts this season
- Attend this Benefit Gala given by two great Canadian concert organists, Matthew Larkin and Rachel Laurin.
- Become a donor by visiting our donations page to donate to the Pro Organo Recital Series.
Donation Levels:
Benefactor: $5,000 and over
Patron: $2,500 - $4,999
Sponsor: $1,000 - $2,499
Donor: $500 - $999
Supporter: $100 - $499
Contributor: $50 - $99
- Please consider making a donation to the RCCO of appreciated stock; you will receive a tax receipt for the full value of your stock on the day of donation. Download the stock donation form here.
For further information about making stock donations, please contact Frances Macdonnell or 613-726-7984
Help us advertise this event by displaying this poster.
Download the program and biographies.

Frances Macdonnell
A series of six workshops
CANCELLED due to COVID-19 virusThe next of these workshops will be held on Saturday March 28 at Frances Macdonnell's apartment, 303-3099 Carling Avenue, from 10 am until noon. This location is on Carling Avenue just west of Bayshore Drive; there is a large visitors’ parking lot directly in front of the building.

First Church of Christ, Scientist
288 Metcalfe Street (at Gilmour)
The RCCO Ottawa Centre, with the agreement of the Ottawa Kiwanis Music Festival, has determined that the RCCO will be able to organize the same organ classes for those candidates who applied for these classes in the spring, offering the same scholarships and with an external adjudicator, when the churches re-open and events generally begin again, perhaps in the autumn of 2020.


POSTPONED due to COVID-19 virus
Woodroffe United Church
207 Woodroffe Ave
Time: 1:00 - 2:15pm.
Young performers will build an OrgelKidsCan pipe organ.
2:15-6:00 pm.
Performances (see program outline below)
We plan to reschedule this program for late 2020.
The Fourth Great Bach Marathon will begin at 1:00 pm with the young people participating in an OrgelKidsCan event.
The Great Bach Marathon is a benefit concert to support beginning organ students.
The fulll program can be downloaded here.
Here is an outline of the day's activities.
1:00-2:00 pm OrgelKids Can – Solving the mysteries of the pipe organ.
What makes a pipe organ work?
Joshua Zentner-Barrett, Facilitator
Have you ever put a pipe organ together? How does it work?
How do the pipes work? What are bellows? How does the air move
from the bellows to the pipes?
An introduction to the pipe organ for ages 8 – 12
2:15-2:30 pm A special recital by Rachel Laurin on the small Letourneau pipe organ constructed by the
participating students.
Ten little Sketches for Ten Little Fingers by Rachel Laurin for the OrgelKids Can organ
and Kleine Bach-Paraphrase by J.S. Bach, arranged by Anders S. Börjesson.
Rachel Laurin will be assisted by students from the workshops.
2:30 pm Presentations by students of Alison Kranias, Emily Baillie and Heather Rice
3:00 pm Works from Orgelbüchlein
3:15 pm Schübler Chorale Preludes
3:35 pm Winners from the Ottawa Piano Festival
5:20 pm Preludes and Fugues
As we gather at Woodroffe United Church, let us all thank the church staff and choir, Katarina Jovic, director, for hosting us so graciously throughout the rehearsals the days before the marathon and during the marathon. And, thank you to all of you who volunteer your time to help behind the scenes and support the performers. Each of you makes the difference in the success of the Great Bach Marathon 4.
Come when you can; leave when you must.
For additional information, email Sondra Goldsmith Proctor or phone (202)841-8712.

This is your centre. The executive values the feedback received from members. Come out and voice your opinions on what you would like to have your Centre do.
The Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Centre is our opportunity to conduct the necessary business of the College but also to celebrate the year past and look forward to the coming year. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in decision making and to hear reports of the various convenors and national council representatives.
All members are encouraged to attend and participate in decision-making of your Centre and to hear reports of the various convenors and National Council representatives. There is plenty of parking and the room is air-conditioned.
2007/08 | 2008/09 | 2009/10 | 2010/11 | |
2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15 | 2015/16 |
2016/17 | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | 2019/20 | 2020/21 |
2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | ||
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001