RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
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- Events 2015-2016
Events will be posted as soon as I receive the information.
Again this year there will be educational workshops organized by the Education Committee. The main centre programme will also include a number of educational events. Workshops organized by the Education Committee are shown with a green title as above, and green bar down the side as in this text.

760 Somerset St. West, Ottawa
Sunday September 13, 2015
5:30 gathering
6:00 pm dinner
7:30 Hymn Sing
A Potluck Dinner and Hymn Sing will take place at St. Luke's Anglican Church, 760 Somerset Street West, on Sunday, September 13th at 5:30 pm. Dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Hall and will be followed by a Hymn Sing in the church at 7:30 p.m. Mark your calendars now for this first event of the new season. Please let Suzanne Marjerrison know what you can bring; i.e. appetizer, salad, entree or dessert . Email: Suzanne Marjerrison or Tel: 613-724-3793.
Last January, the Parish of St. Luke's began work on undertaking a project to sponsor a refugee family. All the documents have now been completed and a refugee family from Sudan will be arriving on September 21. In light of the recent horrors we have witnessed, a free-will offering at the hymn sing will be earmarked for St. Luke's refugee family expenses.
PARKING: The Serson Clarke Apartment Complex,which is attached to the west side of St. Luke's, has a parking garage, and there is free parking in it after 5:30 pm. The entrance to the garage is from Somerset Street, right where Empress Street meets Somerset (at the traffic light). Also, parking on area streets is free on Sundays.

Frances Macdonnell
Shalom room (Enter in parking lot door)
930 Watson St, Ottawa (North of Queensway, off Pinecrest)
(lots of parking)
Sat, September 19, 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
You may recall that in the academic year 2013-14, I offered a series of six workshops to help students prepare for the Service-Playing and Colleague examinations. In 2015-16, I plan to do the same for the RCCO's Choir Training Certificate Examination.
For twelve years now, the RCCO has offered this examination, aimed at parish church musicians working in real-life situations in small churches, through which they can demonstrate their ability to plan a choir programme in a church, direct a short choir practice, briefly discuss rehearsal and performance techniques, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, and write some simple harmony. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
The difficulty is that so far, in twelve years, only one member of the College has as yet taken this exam! - (she passed with no difficulty.) What is putting people off from attempting it? One possible answer is that the Examination Requirements have said that both sections of the exam, practical and written, must be taken at once. Although this exam is in fact not difficult, that requirement may have made it look a little daunting. I have therefore obtained the agreement of the National Examinations Committee that this examination can in the future be tried one session at a time: that is, candidates can do either the written or the practical in one year, and the other half another year. This makes the whole project much more approachable.
Throughout this coming year, therefore, starting in September, I would like to offer a series of six educational workshops to help members look at this exam and to discover that it's not nearly as difficult as it looks on paper! It can very easily be prepared, and I will gladly help members to do that, for either one section or the other, or both.
The first of these workshops will be held on Saturday September 19 at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, from 10 am until noon. St. Stephen's Anglican Church is at 930 Watson Street, just west of Pinecrest Avenue, just north of the Queensway, and there's lots of parking. Please enter through the parking lot door, and turn left. We will be in the Shalom Room, at the bottom of the short ramp leading into the Church Basement.
In this opening workshop, we will look in detail at the examination requirements, both practical and written, and also the ear tests, so that you can get an idea of how simple it really all is!
I will schedule the other workshops as soon as we know how many members are interested in participating and what their schedules are like. For further information, please e-mail me at Frances Macdonnell, or call me at 613-726-7984. It would help to know approximately how many people are coming, so that I can make enough copies of the hand-outs.

Frances Macdonnell
Shalom room (Enter in parking lot door)
930 Watson St, Ottawa (North of Queensway, off Pinecrest)
(lots of parking)
Sat, October 17, 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Please enter through the parking lot door which is off St. Stephen’s Avenue, and go up the stairs to the church.
This series of workshops, being held in 2015-16, is preparing members to take the RCCO’s Choir Training Certificate Examination.
In this examination, parish church musicians working in real-life situations in small churches can demonstrate their ability to plan a choir programme in a church, direct a short choir practice, briefly discuss rehearsal and performance techniques, answer some straightforward written questions on choir management and choral planning, and write some simple harmony. The outcome of this examination is a Certificate of Proficiency in Choir Training.
This is the second of six workshops on this topic to be held this year. In this workshop, we will continue to look in detail at the examination requirements, both practical and written, and also the ear tests. If you missed the first workshop in September, it’s not too late: you can still join in. Please just let me know that you plan to attend the upcoming workshop so that I can have hand-outs ready for you.
For further information or to be in touch, please e-mail me at Frances Macdonnell, or call me at 613-726-7984.

1029 Dazé St, Ottawa
(Near NW corner of Bank and Hunt Club - across from the South Keys Theatre)
Monday October 26, 2015
6:00 pm gathering
for 6:30 pm dinner
Dinner: (chosen at the restaurant)
several choices of entrees including chicken, salmon, vegeterian pasta and beef stir-fry
Tea/ Coffee/ Pop
Cost: $40:00 (incudes tip)
Please register by October 19 by sending a cheque payable to RCCO, Ottawa Centre and mailing it to:
476 Evered Avenue
Ottawa ON K1Z 5K8
If you are sending a cheque for several people, please name each person in the group.
Guest speaker: James Bailey, RCCO National President.
James is a distinguished architect as well as a distinguished musician, and he will
be giving us an illustrated talk about the relationship between church music and its
specialized architecture, which should be extremely fascinating!
Please reserve the date now, and let your clergy know about it too! See you there!

Tour of the Dominion Carillon
Friday November 13, 2015
11:15 am
We will be visiting the Dominion Carillon to hear a presentation and performance by Dr. Andrea McCrady, the Dominion Carillonneur, followed by a round of questions. She has selected a number of pieces with our membership in mind.
There are 11 spots available to our members for this tour and all names need to be received by Monday, November 9th at the latest in order to reserve visitor passes. There is no cost for this event.
Peace Tower Carillon Tower Visitor Advice:
Do not stand in line with the tourists (under the main door to the Centre block), but enter at the door immediately to the left, marked "Parliamentary Business". Identify yourselves to the guard and guide as guests of the Dominion Carillonneur. You will still have to go through security (like the airport, but without taking off your shoes), and bring a photo ID, required for your visitor passes. Dr. McCrady will meet everyone at the VWC to escort us up the tower. She will play from 12 to 12:15, and we should be done in the tower by 12:30.
To reserve contact:
Matthew Morel, Programme Convenor, RCCO Ottawa Centre
Matthew Morel
Tel: 613.884.8331

Frances Macdonnell
(just West of Bayshore Drive
Sat, November 21, 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
The third of these preparatory workshops will be held on Saturday November 21 from 10 am until noon at my apartment, 303 - 3099 Carling Avenue. I live just west of the corner of Bayshore Drive, and there is a parking lot directly in front of my building. Please ring my name at the entrance to the building, and then come up in the elevator.
In this workshop, we will continue to look in detail at the examination requirements, both practical and written, and also the ear tests. Please bring the written test questions you have been working on.
For those who may be interested but who have not yet attended any of these workshops, it’s not too late to join in, but do please contact me before the next workshop so that I can arrange to bring you up to speed.
For further information or to be in touch, please e-mail me at Frances Macdonnell, or call me at 613-726-7984.

555 Parkdale Avenue (at the Queensway)
Sunday November 22, 2015
3:00 pm
Many of us will have heard the sad news that St. Matthias Anglican Church has decided to close and amalgamate with All Saints, Westboro, effective January 1, 2016. Before that happens, and in order to celebrate the lovely three-manual Casavant organ while it is still in use in St. Matthias Church, the Ottawa Centre plans to hold a Members' Recital at St. Matthias Anglican Church at 3 pm on Sunday November 22, the Feast of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music.
Some of the organists who will play are to include Rachel Laurin, Matthew Larkin, Heather Rice, Mervyn Games, and Gilles Leclerc. Also playing, of course, will be Deirdre Piper, the longtime Organist and Choir Director of St. Matthias Church, and in addition, the parish choir will sing an anthem as part of the programme.
A reception will follow the recital, and a free-will offering will be received at the door. Parking is available in the parking lot between the church and the Queensway, or on neighbouring streets.
For further information, please contact Frances Macdonnell at 613-726-7984 or email frances (dot) macdonnell (at) rcc0-ottawa (dot) ca.

1325 Wellington Ave
(between Parkdale and Island Park Drive)
Monday January 25, 2016
7:00 pm

Join us on Monday January 25th at the Wellington Gastropub in Hintonberg for a listening party of significant organ performances on vinyl. Please bring any vinly organ recordings that you would like to share.
This is being co-presented by Tetra Speakers (a locally based but internationally respected speaker company) which will bring in its audiophile-quality equipment. There is a fee of $25 which covers appetizers and a beverage with proceeds going to the Parkdale Food Bank and our Kiwanis Music Festival Organ scholarships.
Tetra Speakers is offering a 15% discount on purchases made by RCCO members of any Tetra Speaker from www.tetraspeakersonlinestore.com. Also, a portion of the proceeds (5%) from the sale will be donated back to the RCCO. The discount code to be entered upon checkout is "RCCO Ottawa". The code will remain in effect until April 30, 2016. The owner, Adrian Butts, is available to RCCO members to answer any questions and offer advice on the best Tetra speakers for them. His direct number is 888-909-3705 Extension 101.

Workshop on Pipe Organ Improvisation
439 Queen Street
(near Bronson)
Saturday Feb 6, 2016
2:00 pm
Free for members, $10 for non-members
This workshop will be presented by Matthew Larkin and Gilles Leclerc.

Frances Macdonnell
(just West of Bayshore Drive)
Sat, February 20, 2016
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
The fourth of these preparatory workshops will be held on Saturday February 20 from 10 am until noon at my apartment, 303 - 3099 Carling Avenue. I live just west of the corner of Bayshore Drive, and there is a parking lot directly in front of my building. Please ring my name at the entrance to the building, and then come up in the elevator.
In this workshop, we will continue to look in detail at the examination requirements, both practical and written, and also the ear tests. Please bring the written test questions you have been working on.
For those who may be interested in coming but who have not yet attended any of these workshops, please contact me before the next workshop so that I can arrange to bring you up to speed.
For further information, please contact Frances Macdonnell at 613-726-7984 or email frances (dot) macdonnell (at) rcco-ottawa (dot) ca.

70 James St (at Kent St.)
Saturday March 5, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm
Come and hear our students in recital on Saturday March 5 at 2pm at St Barnabas Anglican Church!
The purpose of this recital is to give students some valuable playing experience, so even beginning students are encouraged to play.
Students performing: Samuel Lee, Adam Reid, Antonio Lechasseur, Rebecca Lee, Maria Gajraj, Lindsey Sikora and Letitia Kwan.
Free-will donations will be collected and will go towards the Scholarship for Beginning Organ Students. Come out and support our young organists!
Note to students: Please send all pieces/composers and a very short bio to Jennifer Loveless by Saturday February 20th. Each student is allowed up to two hours of practice time. Please contact Wesley Warren to book practice time.
Visit the Student Recital Facebook page.

10:00 am
St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church
125 MacKay St
Although this is not one of our programmes, it does involve many of our student members and we are providing $500 in scholarship money to the participants. The adjudicator is Scott Bradford.
Come and support our students in recital.
Further informationn can bew found on the Kiwanis Music Festival website.

Frances Macdonnell
(just West of Bayshore Drive)
Sat, April 23, 2016
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
The fifth of these preparatory workshops will be held on Saturday April 23 from 10 am until noon at my apartment, 303 - 3099 Carling Avenue. I live just west of the corner of Bayshore Drive, and there is a parking lot directly in front of my building. Please ring my name at the entrance to the building, and then come up in the elevator.
In this workshop, we will look particularly at the written examination requirements and the ear tests, in preparation for the formal written examination which will take place on Tuesday May 17. Please bring the written test questions you have been working on.
For further information, please contact Frances Macdonnell at 613-726-7984 or email frances (dot) macdonnell (at) rcco-ottawa (dot) ca .

Departure: TBD

Save the date! Saturday, May 14th is the big day of our Organ Crawl to the Canton/Potsdam area of New York state and we'd love to see you there.
We'll meet in Potsdam at 10am at First Presbyterian Church. Inside, a marvellous 1931 Casavant IV beckons. Afterwards, we'll make a short hop to Colton to visit the Hook and Hastings installation before concluding our morning with a tour of the 1863 Andrews installation at Unitarian Universalist Church.
From there, we'll travel to St. Lawrence University in Canton where we'll enjoy a fine lunch as guests of the University Chaplain. While on the university grounds, we'll have the opportunity to visit the acclaimed 1926 Estey Organ in the university's Gunnison Memorial Chapel.
We'll wrap up the afternoon with Tea at David Van Epps and Sondra Goldsmith Proctor's home in Pierrepont Village, just outside of Canton.
Blake Hargreaves has graciously agreed to organize travel arrangements for us. He'll coordinate the carpooling assignments or, if there are sufficient numbers, we'll book a bus. So if you're planning to come along, please contact Blake at 613-255-1394 or via email at blakehargreaves (at) gmail (dot) com . to reserve your spot. Note that you'll need a valid passport for the border crossing.
Mark your calendars now for this exciting day of discovery in Canton, NY. Come to play, listen and enjoy!

971 Woodroffe (just North of the Queesnway)
Monday June 6, 2016
Time: 7:00 pm refreshments
7:30 meeting
This is your centre. The executive values the feedback received from members. Come out and voice your opinions on what you would like to have your Centre do.
The Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa Centre is our opportunity to conduct the necessary business of the College but also to celebrate the year past and look forward to the coming year. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in decision making and to hear reports of the various convenors and national council representatives.
We are pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Daniel Hansen, our Professional Support Convenor, will be recognized as the Member of the Year. Daniel has held the position of Professional Support for many years and has provided his time, expertise and support to many members of our Centre.
There is plenty of parking and the room is air-conditioned.

LOOKING AHEAD - Next season
1029 Dazé St, Ottawa
(Near NW corner of Bank and Hunt Club - across from the South Keys Theatre)
Monday September 19, 2016
6:00 pm gathering
for 6:30 pm dinner
Dinner: (chosen at the restaurant)
Tea/ Coffee/ Pop
Cost: $38:00 (incudes tip - less than last year!)
Please register by Sept. 12 by sending a cheque payable to RCCO, Ottawa Centre and mailing it to:
476 Evered Avenue
Ottawa ON K1Z 5K8
Guest speaker: Thomas Leslie, Executive Dir: CIOC and Regional Director.
Please reserve the date now, and let your clergy know about it too! See you there!
2007/08 | 2008/09 | 2009/10 | 2010/11 | |
2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15 | 2015/16 |
2016/17 | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | 2019/20 | 2020/21 |
2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | ||
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001